People who have internet at home might no appreciate how difficult it can be to find wireless...particularly when you live in the country and there is NO repeat NO Wifi anywhere...
The nearest Wifi habitat is 20 miles away...
The nearest Wifi habitat is 20 miles away...
First of all, before you hunt Wifi, you have to get a Wifi hunting license. The only way to procure one of these, by the way, is to go on line to the website, so you're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place if you need to go hunting.
Wifi can be very illusive, particularly because they are invisible. Basically what you have to do is carry your laptop around with you (turned on at all times of course) and wait until it tells you that YES it has found a Wifi...
Once you find a Wifi, you can begin to surf the net...I can go on Facebook, check my e-mail, watch You-Tube, and Blog...
That is until my battery runs out...
I know what some of you are thinking: "Why don't you just plug your computer in?"
Oh what a simple world you live in!
Here's the beef:
In a lot of places where Wifi's live, there are so many people on the hunt, that all the outlets are taken -- and my battery only likes to work for an hour or so before croaking on me! I think it does it on purpose. Last week when the battery died, I swear I heard a little chuckling sound as the screen turned off...
So here's the thing:
I will blog...
I will blog a lot...
But only if I have enough battery after I'm done typing on Facebook...
Thank you very much
And Remember...
Never run with Scissors...