- It is important to laugh at least once a day ... Its best if its a good belly laugh!
- Nothing is permanent...enjoy stuff while it lasts...
- Its never good to speed while driving in the rain.
- If you want to enough, you CAN learn to get up every day at 3 am...
- Faith is most visible in a desert...
- Sometimes, you just gotta hide...
- Even when things are rough in life, there are still things that need to be done
- Not all one-way streets are marked clearly
- Cell Phone batteries DO run down if they aren't charged regularly
- Skinned knees really hurt
- I don't sleep well when I feel unappreciated...
- My mom's dog really is my parents' favorite child
- NCIS re-runs are really good on you-tube when you can't sleep at 2am...
- I don't like insomnia...I knew this, but I'm sure of it now...
- My dad likes hugs on his birthday.
- It isn't easy to be a friend, but it is worth it...
- My mail box needs to be renewed once a year...No I really didn't know that
- Wear a hat to work, get noticed...in a good way
- Give an aloof co-worker a peppermint and they may become friendly
- Being Positive Changes Things...
- You can explain till you're blue, and some people still won't get it...
- Laughter really IS the best medicine
- Red-Heads really DO have more fun...we just don't tell the blondes...
- Its best if you don't tell the secret...
- Its a blessing to help a friend through something you've already been through...
- One favorite TV show can make your whole day...
- E-mail delivery is often delayed...This can end up making you miss a dinner invitation...
- When cars run out of gas...they STOP!
- Some jokes get really old REALLY fast...and even if YOU still find them funny, others DON'T...
- A good book is like an old friend...Corny, but TRUE!
- Replaying the problem in your head WON'T SOLVE IT!!!
- Not all people who claim to be your friends really are...
- I'm really lucky to cross the Mississippi River so many times every day...
- I love windy fall days...
- Its fun to make up nicknames for your friends...but they make one up for you so watch out...
- I can make opening a pop can dramatic...if I want to...
- A closed mouth gathers no foot...I knew this, but now its confirmed...
- Yield signs CAN be confusing if you're sleep deprived...
- Taco Salads make GREAT comfort food...
- Arguing with yourself CAN be fun..
- Never underestimate how long it can take for a train to go by...
- When you borrow a car from your parents, remember to fill it up with gas before returning it...
- Moth balls really DO keep spiders away...
- When you have oatmeal for breakfast, rinse the bowl out immediately after...dried oatmeal is hard to wash off later that day...
- I don't care if people know I talk to myself...
- Schedules change in the blink of an eye
- I had forgotten how much fun it is to just veg
- When your apartment starts to feel like home for the first time, its a good thing...
- If you leave strawberry preserves in the fridge for too long...lets just say it isn't pretty...
- Hot chocolate on a cold Autumn evening is one of the best things in the world...
- Double Check Everything...
- It is fun to deliver cookies...
- When you can't find your keys, check the bottom of your purse...
- Having a good laugh in the morning can make the whole day...
- Having prayer BEFORE the good laugh in the morning makes the day even better...
- Its true...if you act like you know what you're doing, people believe it...
- I love getting e-mails from good friends...
- I never put off procrastination...
- I need more sleep...
- Prayer really DOES change things
- A hard job is actually easier if you get busy and get 'er done...
- Not everyone has my sense of humor...pity...
- Sometimes my plans DO work out...and it is fun...
- Fruit Salads make good lunch...
- I hate doing dishes...
- Santa CAN be scary...
- Time management gets difficult when people keep throwing new stuff at you...
- Thanksgiving dinner is fun when you don't have to do dishes...
- Lemon pie rocks at Holiday dinner...
- Fudge is even better at Holiday dinner...
- Its fun driving in snow when everyone is polite...first time I've EVER seen this happen!
- Leopard- Print winter hats get positive attention
- I don't like Christmas Music more than a week before the holiday...Then I love it!!!
- I am dreaming of a GREEN Christmas!!! (and not the environmentally safe kind!)
- I hate winter!
Love always the moment!

Live Like someone left the door open! Credit, Martine Lemens via Freeimages.com
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