Love always the moment!

Love always the moment!
Live Like someone left the door open! Credit, Martine Lemens via

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fun things to do on Sabbath

Here's a list of fun things to do on Sabbath (mostly after church)... If you have any ideas, please write in on the comment line...If you're not an Adventist, some of these might be good family/church group activities anyway... Enjoy!

  • Have a bunch of people over for a pot-luck lunch...
    • This sounds like a cliche, but sometimes nothing is more fun than having people over spontaneously for a party .. and when there's food involved, its even better.  If you're going to ask people to bring food though, it'll probably be good to give them a few days' notice...
    • If you're inspired and have the means to do it, you can invite people over with really short notice if you have the food prepared at home...just be ready to limit the size of your guest list....
    • Please invite singletons... Those of us without spouses and children can often get lonely and board on Sabbath and a lunch/dinner invitation never hurts... I swear we don't bight... This is true for all of the activities suggested on this page.  If you are a singleton, invite a mixture of married people, families, and singles...its a great way to make more friends and meet new people. 
  • Scavenger Hunt... (Don't laugh -- these can be lots of fun)
    • Make a list of things to find ahead of time...
    • Get a biggish group of people together and separate them into at least two teams...(with four or five people each -- if you have children in the groups, you'd probably want at least two adults per team if possible)...
    • Split up in cars or on foot and go door to door or in the church or wherever looking for the things on the list... If you're in an evangelistic mood, people might be more willing to take tracts, Bible Studies, etc from people playing a game (naturally less threatening)...
      • Seriously I did this once with a church group and it was a lot of fun...I was surprised how willing people were to let our teams into their house and help them find silly things like striped shoe-laces...
    • It might help to put things on the Scavenger Hunt List that can be donated to the Church Community Service Department to help others (that might also encourage people to play when the team comes to their house)...
  • Prayer Walking... (This is another one where kids will need adult supervision)
    • The concept is go door to door and ask people if they would like you to pray for them.
      • (At Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI they do this a lot in their Urban ministries and its had wonderful reception)
    • If nothing else, this is a really good way to meet your neighbors and let them know you care about them...
    • It also helps if you're going to do this once a month or so (although not absolutely necessary)...then you can see the results of your prayers and further develop relationships...
  • A Sing-Along (No Barney Jokes please)...
    • It sounds corny, but it can really be a lot of fun -- especially if you have someone in your family or friend circle who plays guitar or piano...
    • If possible, It helps if you have a print-out of songs and words before you sing so everyone can enjoy the activity 
      • (Also make sure your musician is able to play all the songs and if you have a friend who can play by ear, that's even better!)  
    • Have snack food for people to eat during the sing-along and comfortable places to sit.  
    • If you have to sing without back-up music, try to have an enthusiastic leader or at least someone in the group who can carry a tune...
  • A Nature-Walk/Hike...
    • Again, this might sound like a cliche, but if you have a park or nice rural area to walk in as a group, its a wonderful way to enjoy nature and have fun...
      • Just make sure that you're dressed for the weather and have plenty of water (even in the city, you can get dehydrated). 

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