Love always the moment!

Love always the moment!
Live Like someone left the door open! Credit, Martine Lemens via

Friday, May 7, 2010

Scales Are Evil

I hate scales...I hate them...looking at them makes me depressed. I can't find one that doesn't remind me of all the food I shouldn't have eaten in the last 6 years... Not that I'd honestly like one that lied to me...then I'd have to start avoiding mirrors...Not that I don't do that already...

6 years ago, I was a size 6...
I still didn't like how I looked...

Here's the lose 80 pounds in the next year...
I'm not sure I'll be able to blog every day, but I'd like to do it several times per week... we go...pray for me...don't send me cookies...or pizza...or (I'd better stop thinking about things I don't want to eat for a while)...

I've tried losing weight before. I've gotten half way down before and then lost heart and gave least 4 or 5 times. I figure this time if I'm blogging and people know what I'm doing, who knows???? It just might work.

I haven't weighed myself in a couple of months, but the last time I weighed myself, I needed to lose 70 pounds and I think I've gained at least 10 pounds, so do the math.

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